Glenn Brown was born on March 9, 1941 in Baltimore, Maryland. He completed his primary and secondary education in Washington, D.C., graduating from Spingarn High School in 1959. He entered Morgan State College in 1960.
Brown graduated from Morgan State with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology in 1965. He put his degree to good use, enjoying a long career in rehabilitative services, particularly with youth. In 1965, Brown moved to Chicago to be a caseworker in the Cook County Department of Public Aid. Later, he served as a probation officer for Cook Court Juvenile Court and as a parole agent for the Illinois Youth Commission. Brown also gave his time to the Chicago Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America as an assistant district executive assigned to an inner city project.
Brown returned to the Washington, D.C., area to accept a position with the D.C. Department of Corrections as a correctional treatment specialist under the auspices of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons. He later transferred to the D.C. Youth Services Administration to work as a community youth counselor, supervising court-committed juvenile parolees. Transferring again to the Oak Hill Youth Center for Incarcerated Youth, Brown began as an associate social worker but later became acting supervisor of Social Service and then superintendent. Brown ended his professional career with the Office of Personnel Management of the U.S. Civil Service, retiring in 1997. Brown enjoys golfing and canine training.
Brown participated in the founding of Groove Phi Groove because of the friendship, mutual interests, and fellowship among the founders. His hopes for Groove’s future are that the organization continues to grow and to create a variety of human development programs